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Our polytechnic for technical and engineering dates back to the year 1968, when the founders of modern-​day Switzerland created it as a centre of innovation and knowledge.

Board of Directors

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ATMI Polytechnic Surakarta is a center of excellence in vocational education that is innovative, adaptive, brings positive change to the industrial and vocational world, supported by a professional academic community.


Educate young people so that they can play a role in building sustainable vocational industry and education:

* Respect the dignity of human life, especially marginal people.

* Responsible for environmental balance.

* Respect diversity, and,

* Critically respond to the advancement of information technology.


ATMI Polytechnic Surakarta has the symbol and flag as the basic spirit in realizing the vision and mission. The ATMI Surakarta Polytechnic symbol consists of:

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Organization Structure

ATMI Polytechnic Surakarta has an organizational structure to keep lectures running smoothly. We always learns and follows developmental needs.

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Corps Unit

ATMI Polytechnic Surakarta in carrying out its role as an industrial partner, also has several business units and is divided into several categories.

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by A.M. Bambang Christanto dan Nurlita

Derap langkah maju kami putra Indonesia

Penuh cita-cita, semangat jiwa muda

Satu kami tuju pribadi yang mulia

Terampil dan berguna ‘tuk Nusa – Bangsa

ATMI penunjang citaku, bekal masa depanku

Politeknik ATMI Surakarta, terlukis namamu di kalbu

ATMI prasarana pembangunan Indonesia

Baktiku pertiwi jaya s’lamanya

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